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Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself

Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself


People who have eating disorders are often very self-critical. Try some of the following ideas to feel better about yourself.

  • Pace yourself if you are feeling overwhelmed.

    Everything you do may take more time and effort.

    • Do not expect to do all the things you want to do right away.
    • Choose what is most important and do those things first.
    • Break larger tasks into smaller ones and do what you can.
  • Remember that some of your thoughts are part of your condition.

    These thoughts may include feeling bad about yourself, feeling hopeless, and feeling uncomfortable in your body. Counseling can help you work through your feelings.

  • Remember that recovery takes time.

    Your body needs time to adjust. As you begin to eat in a healthier way, you may feel better and have more energy.

  • Do things you like to do.

    Find things that make you feel good. For example, some people like to spend time with others or some like quiet time to read.

  • Don't blame yourself for your condition.
  • Work as a partner with your health care team.


Current as of: February 9, 2022

Author: Healthwise Staff
Medical Review:
Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine
W. Stewart Agras MD, FRCPC - Psychiatry

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